The idea of a 90% financed or even 100% financed investment property being Cashflow Positive from day one sounds attractive to anyone right? The Australian Government's National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS) is an attractive vehicle for many investors who understand the benefits of creating wealth through investment property. It can be a complex area and unfortunately many investors are trading off the outstanding government incentives on offer for inferior quality properties. But you shouldn't make that trade off and you don't need to. Our objective in writing this eBook is to help our clients and investors navigate this complex area in order to successfully create positive cash flow and high capital growth quality investment property wealth using NRAS.

By the end of this eBook you will understand:

  • What NRAS is and why it was created
  • How to get $100,000+ of government TAX FREE incentives
  • Challenges and pitfalls you need to know about
  • How to get positive cashflow investment property without having a deposit
  • How to think about the many trade-offs involved
  • Several case studies

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