As a professional athlete or sportsperson, it is likely your financial profile and needs differ from those of the 'average Joe' with a regular job. Whether you are just starting out of well on your way with some achievements under your belt, this eBook is for you. We cover core financial planning principles and strategies to achieve your goals; superannuation, risk management and investments. Further, we explore often neglected non-financial matters, such as developing your brand and preparing for life after professional competition. With a foreword and personal tips for Caroline Buchanan, 8 time Mountain Bike and BMA UCI World Champion, dual-Olympian, this eBook is a must read.

By the end of this eBook you will understand:

  • Financial challenges faced by professional athletes
  • Why professional athletes are unique
  • Transitioning to life after sport
  • Your support team
  • Cash flow and budgeting
  • Preparing for emergencies
  • Developing your brand
  • Retirement and superannuation
  • Savings and investments
  • Tax issues
  • Estate planning
  • Insurance and risk management
  • Mistakes to avoid

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