How many properties do I need to retire?

Building a portfolio of investment properties is a legitimate retirement strategy used by many Australian investors. It requires specific knowledge, patience and discipline.
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Is Your Nest Egg Safe?

Planning for retirement has never been harder as we now live in a world where markets are more volatile than at any other time in history.
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7 Insights to Avoid a Ruined Retirement

If you are retired or planning your retirement you need to first understand the challenges that lie ahead of you and then develop a plan to navigate and avoid them.
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23 Transition to Retirement Strategy Insights

If you reached your preservation age but are still working you may want to consider a Transition to Retirement Pension as part of your retirement planning strategy. Combined with salary sacrifice contributions, a TTR pension can be an effective retirement planning tool available.
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How much money do I need to retire?

Everyone wants to have some idea if they are on track for a comfortable retirement or if they are not, how far off are they?
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Downsizing – 13 Insights to improve your thinking on the subject

Downsizing is one of the biggest and hardest decisions you may ever make. More and more Australians will grapple with this challenge in years to come.
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Top 16 Ideas & Insights into Annuities

Many investors feel that they don't understand annuities and find them confusing, but they can be a powerful part of a diversified portfolio.
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Ten trends that will affect retirement in Australia

It seems change is the only constant in these turbulent times. Here are ten trends that will have an impact on the retirement of Australians.
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17 Government benefits all retirees should know about

There are specific ages when you become eligible to access a range of government financial benefits in retirement. In this eBook, we look at each of these government financial benefits, their specific eligibility requirements, and how you can claim them.
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