What expert investors know about property auctions

Going to an auction unarmed with knowledge is a dangerous thing to do. This eBook will give you an insight into how to best survive in an auction environment.
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How many properties do I need to retire?

Building a portfolio of investment properties is a legitimate retirement strategy used by many Australian investors. It requires specific knowledge, patience and discipline.
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14 Best Sydney Suburbs

Sort out the best from the rest with our guide to Sydney's best suburbs for property investment. We hope that this guide will help you with your search.
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The 11 Greatest NRAS Mistakes – Not to Make!

Increasingly, property investors are looking to the National Rental Affordability Scheme as a means of creating cashflow positive investment property wealth.
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Top 13 SMSF Property Mistakes

This eBook has been written to give some insight into the issues that need to be considered and to help you avoid many costly mistakes when buying property in super.
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How to Use NRAS to Create Positive Cashflow Investment Property Wealth

The idea of a 90% financed or even 100% financed investment property being cashflow positive from day one sounds attractive to anyone right?
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Top 13 Strategies to Reduce Your Capital Gains Tax

Capital Gains Tax can be a large and unexpected expense. This eBook has been written to examine the strategies available to legally manage your tax liability.
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How to use your SMSF to buy NRAS property

The combination of NRAS and an SMSF can be a very powerful strategy for the right people (and situation). Either in Accumulation or Pension mode. This is a unique eBook that goes into the details of NRAS and SMSFs and how to combine them.
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Top 10 Best Brisbane Suburbs

Not all suburbs are equal. We have produced this eBook for those looking to invest in Brisbane real estate for the long term, rather than shorter term speculation.
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Top 10 Best Melbourne Suburbs

Not all suburbs are equal. We have produced this eBook for those looking to invest in Melbourne real estate for the long term, rather than shorter term speculation.
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